Filed under : Makeup Remover

Review: Three Balancing Cleansing Oil

Review: Three Balancing Cleansing Oil

I used to have this misconception that “since I’ve got oily skintype, I shouldn’t use cleansing oils – why do I need the extra oil?” Alas, I couldn’t be more wrong. After all, it’s not as though the oil actually stays on the skin (or worse, absorbed in). Thankfully, the young and silly days are … Continue reading

Review: Fancl Mild Cleansing Oil

Review: Fancl Mild Cleansing Oil

Ever since I ran out of makeup remover wipes and my memory fails me once too often (when I remember to buy, I’m not near a Watsons. When I am physically near a Watsons, I forget that I’ve got something to buy – ballocks to me right?!), I’ve had to resort to digging into my … Continue reading

Review: Bioderma Sensibio Cleansing Milk

Review: Bioderma Sensibio Cleansing Milk

The weather’s been insanely harsh lately, and it’s sort of taken my skin to a place that’s actually worse than its previous condition. Previously, it was just plain old oily combi. These days, I’ve got oily-dry combi (dafug?!). The area around the lips are drier than ever, and the oil producing glands are working overtime … Continue reading

Review: Laneige Trouble Relief Cleansing Tissue

Review: Laneige Trouble Relief Cleansing Tissue

I’ve never truly appreciated the beauty of a true makeup remover until I started this beauty blog and doing beauty reviews – I have to set aside a day just to specially take photographs of all the products, and test/swatch each and everyone of them, one after another. This is when I also conveniently test … Continue reading

Review: ONL O’Nude Fresh Cleansing Oil

Review: ONL O’Nude Fresh Cleansing Oil

I have a really warped concept – that since I already have so much oil on my face, I shouldn’t have to need to use a cleansing oil. But like birdshit from the sky, a realisation landed splat on me one day – using cleansing oil could actually slow down my aging process, since it … Continue reading

Review: DHC Make Off Sheet

Review: DHC Make Off Sheet

I’ve fallen into dire straits again… It’s the time of the month when every damn thing runs out, ie money,  shampoo, conditioner and every other essential thing I need to remain ridiculously gorgeous. sigh. Even my usual makeup remover sheets have run out – I’m usually on the Biore Cleansing Oil Cotton Sheets. Thankfully, I’ve … Continue reading

Review: Belif Herb Cleansing Water

Review: Belif Herb Cleansing Water

Everyday, the moment I step into my house, I have a certain routine I must go through :  1) wash my feet and 2) wash and cleanse my face. Yes yes I can be really pedantic. Yet my dad somehow has this strangest 6th sense – no matter what time of the day I come … Continue reading

Review: CLIO Twistup Waterproof Mascara Remover

Review: CLIO Twistup Waterproof Mascara Remover

I sometimes feel like Harry Potter with a cave full of gold – I’ve got more than $400 worth of credit with Browhaus, but I haven’t been doing my eyelash extensions (which are about $120 per session). Although they make me look so fabulously doll-like and enlarge my eyes to almost Ayumi Hamasaki I-look-like-I-drank-a-lot-of-sake standards, … Continue reading

Missha Eye Make-up Speedy Remover Stick

Missha Eye Make-up Speedy Remover Stick

The weather in Singapore has been absolutely horrible for the last 1-2 weeks. First it would pour cats and dogs, and then in the next hour, it would be scorchingly blindingly hot. If fats could melt in that heat, I’d be one of the Olsen twins by now. Of course, that was only my wishful … Continue reading