Round-up: 5 Treatment Toners to Try

Now I just realised that I haven’t done a proper round-up of products since my last BB cushion face-off, and since I’m in a mood (aka I have verbal diarrhoea but no unfortunate soul to inflict it upon), you guys shall be it~

I’ve tried my fair share of treatment toners / watery essences / first care essences – whatever you might call it. Essentially, they’re kinda like toners but with more skincare goodness packed into them. Their predecessor is the famed SK-II Facial Treatment Essence aka Miracle Water, and since then, there’s been many other variations from other brands, but for some reason, all come packed in uber heavy glass bottles.

Here’re my top 5 picks in random order:


Nature Republic The First Essence featuredNature Republic The First Essence


A more affordable alternative to Hera’s Cell Essence and IOPE’s Bio Conditioning, and with equally good (if not slightly better) results. Increased radiance, firmness, and hydration levels.

Read the full review here.




IOPE Bio-Conditioning Intensive Essence featuredIOPE Bio Essence Intensive Conditioning


One of the very first few I ever tried (and got hooked after it!). Distinct improvement in skin clarity and radiance.

Read the full review here.





Hera Cell Essence featuredHera Cell Essence


Significant improvement in skin radiance and skin clarity. Stronger scent than IOPE, so I suspect those with sensitive skin (or an allergy to artificial fragrances might not take well to this product).

Read the full review here.





Hada Labo Hydrating Lotion Light featured2Hada Labo Hydration Lotion Light


Higher on the moisture content and great for parched skin. Also helps the skin feel slightly bouncier and firmer. No scent.

Read the full review here.




TFS Smim Ferm Conc Total Treatment info featuredThe Face Shop Smim Fermentation Concentrate Total Treatment


Good increase in skin radiance and smoothening out of skin’s texture.

Read the full review here.




Note: This list is by no means all-encompassing, and based on my combi-oily skin type (with a tendency to break out along the jawline). There are other brands that I have yet to try, and these picks are only based on those I’ve tried 🙂 [I also tried the Innisfree Soybean Energy Essence Light after I did up this post] If there are others you’d like me to try, or are curious about, leave me a note!~x


15 thoughts on “Round-up: 5 Treatment Toners to Try

  1. Thanks for the roundup. I’m curious to try the Nature Republic one. Have you tried Missha’s Time Revolution First Treatment Essence? Supposed to be similar to SK-II, but I am not seeing transformational results. (Have only been using it for a few weeks though.) –Angela

    • Hi Angela,

      Yup, if you do a search on my blog, I’ve also reviewed Missha’s Time Revolution First Treatment Essence – not particularly impressed by it either (which is why it’s not in my top 5 🙂 ) But I must say it didn’t give me any outbreaks, so it’s not that bad~

  2. This is so useful! Thank you. Have you ever tried the Lirikos Marine Triple Treatment? I have seen other beauty bloggers rave about it, but I wonder what you think?

  3. Wow! Love your reviews ^^ Glad to know they have plans to bring in Hera 😀 Hope they are able to bring in Espoir and Aritaum as well!! Anyway, will the Nature Republic one be too strong for a 20-year-old?

  4. Hi babe,

    I’m going Korea next mth and I’ve been reading and re-reading your blog many times to see what to buy.

    I’m very keen to purchase either the iope of Hera essence. But I also read your reviews on the belif número 10 essence and peat miracle revival serum.

    What’s the difference in the belif essence and serum compared to the iope and hera’s essence? And which is better?

    • Hi Chloe,

      Those are pretty different products in different categories to compare – Treatment toners are more lightweight and watery and are typically applied onto freshly-cleansed face to either remove remnant makeup, soften the skin or freshen the skin.

      The Belif peat miracle revital serum is a thicker, more concentrated serum that you apply either on its own or somewhere as the final step of your skincare regime at for more intensive nourishment to the skin.

      The belif numero essence is a medium-weight gel product that can be applied either as the first step of your skincare onto freshly-cleansed skin, or as the second step after a treatment toner /watery essence. This particular product is great for improving hydration/firmness levels and I also like to use it for my morning daytime regime before applying the makeup cos it sets in and absorbs very quickly.

      Hope this helps! 🙂

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