MAC Me Over Fluidline

Today’s Korean word of the day shall be Gi-reum 기름, and it means oil. I simply cannot repeat myself enough – I hate oil and sebum. I hate that it oozes out of every pore on my face and makes my makeup melt off. What’s worse, I have oily eyelids. Now that totally sucks.

I’ve run through so many types of eyeliners, pencil, crayon, gel, liquid, felt-tip etc. I used to be crazy over gel eyeliners but they’d smudge so badly. I then moved on to one of my all-time favourites – Laneige’s Natural Eyeliner, which has been tried and tested to stay on even after a 3-hour ginseng spa.

My latest gel eyeliner rave is this MAC Me Over Fluidline.

I’ve always stuck to black or brown colours since that’s what the Korean stars do (fangirl much hurhurhur), but thanks to the chewster, I found myself the owner of a midnight blue eyeliner a couple of months back.

Photo taken without flash…

…and  taken with flash


A close up of the gel – a single coat vs several coats. The intensity gets stronger.

Sadako much? Forgive the lack of eye line drawing skills.

I say…

Get it!

  • The gel is smooth and easy to apply on.
  • It’s smudge proof.
  • It’s water proof – the swatch on my hand won’t go away even after wiping with tissue soaked in warm water.
  • It’s damn near makeup remover-proof – I had to use Biore’s Makeup Remover Jelly and Makeup Remover Wipes to completely remove it.
  • Best of all, it’s almost oily eyelid-proof – my prevous gel liners would smudge within the hour, but this one stays on for hours.. and hours..
  • I therefore declare this almost budge-proof.
  • The colour is intense. Pile on a couple of layers of the blue and it could almost look black from far. Korea girl group, here I come!

Unfortunuately it cannot be smudged out into an eyeshadow (since it’s almost everything-proof). But you know what? I’d much rather have an eyeliner that stays and does its job.

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