Too Faced Full Bloom Cheek and Creme Color

I don’t like Batman. He’s just too grumpy and brooding to fit my idea of a superhero. I mean dude, you’re supposed to be super, so super-size your serotonin excretion and bring on the rainbows yo.

But anyway, it doesn’t make me biased against a good work – I love watching movies and I’m quite eager to catch The Dark Knight Rises. And ta-dah, you have today’s post about Too Faced Full Bloom Cheek and Creme Color.

Too Faced Full Bloom Cheek and Creme Color

What I’ve got is Tea Rose shade. Ordinarily, I’d never choose to try, much less buy this product in stores, but hey, how’s a girl got to say no to hand-me-downs right? (much love to ah chewster).

A close-up to show the colour…

… and a close-up to show the sheen

Here’s me at 5am in the morning without any makeup on

And voila! I have colour in my cheeks.


Squinty-eyed at 5am… -.-“

What’s even better about this is that it can be used for your lips too! It’s not really a lipgloss or lipstick, but a colour tint.

My usual sans-makeup lips

and ta-dah! tinted lips – not too glossy, not too dry.

I say…

Get it!

  • It’s 2-in-1 and in a compact package, perfect for fitting into a clutch or tiny bag. There’s even a mirror in the case.
  • The colour is just nice – a natural rosy flush on the cheeks and natural tint on the lips.
  • The cream is easy to apply on both the cheeks and lips. It feels lightweight as well.
  • The colour doesn’t run and stays put for the whole day (on the cheeks). For the lips, it doesn’t stay on that long but neither does it stain your cutlery or glasses.
  • I just don’t like having to use my fingers to apply the cream – I don’t trust myself enough to have extremely clean hands and that therefore exposes me to the risk of having pimples.

Too Faced is available at Sephora.

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