Tagged with Mule

Review: VDL MULE Ultimate Cover Palette

Review: VDL MULE Ultimate Cover Palette

How was your weekend everybardy? Mine was spent in a hot, sweaty mess – as much as that sounds like 50 Shades of Grey, it was actually more like 50 Shade of Meh. Or 50 Shades of Nay. Seriously, the Singapore Flyer would not be so bankrupt if they just turned it into a giant … Continue reading

Review: VDL Mule Face Correcting Palette

Review: VDL Mule Face Correcting Palette

Andddd it’s a new week again! Somehow, the month of January seems to be dragging by a lot slower than last month – I’m guessing it’s the absence of public holidays as well as the impending motherload of a public holiday in the form of Chinese New Year next month. Gah. In any case, I’ve … Continue reading